Labrador, Canada (Central Mineral Belt)
100% Interest
Deposit Type:
Structurally-controlled within fracture systems and shear zones
Primary Minerals:
Uranium, Vanadium
The Moran Lake deposit is located in Labrador, Canada within a bona-fide uranium camp in the Central Mineral Belt. The Central Mineral Belt is host to several other uranium deposits including Paladin Energy’s advanced Michelin project. The “C” zone was the subject of significant exploration activity between 2006 and 2013. In March 2011 a previous operator published a combined uranium and vanadium 43-101 compliant resource estimate.
Category | Tonnes (m) | U3O8 Grade (ppm) | Contained U3O8 (m lbs) | V2O5 Grade (ppm) | Contained V2O5 (m lbs) |
Indicated | 14.7 | 340 | 5.2 | 1517 | 42.8 |
Inferred | 28.3 | 334 | 4.4 | 1596 | 93.6 |
Jeffrey A. Morgan, P.Geo. and Gary H. Giroux, P.Eng. completed a NI 43-101 technical report titled “Form 43-101F1 Technical Report on the Central Mineral Belt (CMB) Uranium Project, Labrador, Canada, Prepared for Crosshair Exploration & Mining Corp.” and dated July 31, 2008, with an updated mineral resource estimate for the Moran Lake C-Zone along with initial mineral resources for the Armstrong and Area 1 deposits. They modelled three packages in the Moran Lake Upper C-Zone (the Upper C Main, Upper C Mylonite, and Upper C West), Moran Lake Lower C-Zone, two packages in Armstrong (Armstrong Z1 and Armstrong Z3), and Trout Pond. These mineral resources are based on 3D block models with ordinary kriging used to interpolate grades into 10 m x 10 m x 4 m blocks. A cut-off grade of 0.015% U3O8 was used for all zones other than the Lower C Zone which employed a cut-off grade of 0.035%. A thorough review of all historical data performed by a Qualified Person, along with additional exploration work to confirm results, would be required to produce a current mineral resource estimate prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 standards.
Uranium mineralization in the area is structurally controlled, typically hosted within fracture systems and to a lesser extent within shear zones. In outcrop, local faulting, brecciation and alteration, all of uncertain age, are associated with the uranium and copper mineralization at the Moran Lake C Zone. Uranium mineralization mainly occurs in two distinct zones, referred to as the Upper C (“UC”) and Lower C (“LC”).
Mineralization in the UC Zone is hosted within brecciated, hematite altered and/or bleached mafic volcanics and hematitic cherts of the Joe Pond Formation, while mineralization in the structurally underlying LC Zone is hosted predominantly within chloritized (reduced) sandstones of the Heggart Lake Formation. The UC Zone also contains vanadium mineralization hosted mainly by hematized and brecciated mafic volcanic rocks of the Joe Pond Formation and brecciated gabbro or diabasic intrusives. In many areas, the vanadium concentration is directly proportional to the intensity of hematization and brecciation. The occurrence of vanadium mineralization may coincide with, but is not restricted to, zones of uranium mineralization.
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